Nearest transport: Central MTR Station (0.2 Km / 3 min walk)
Area recommended for: shopping sightseeing restaurants
Distance to airport: Hong Kong International Airport (24.0 Km)
Top nearby attractions: Lan Kwai Fong (0.4 Km / 5 min walk) Yung Kee Restaurant (0.4 Km / 5 min walk)
Central-Mid-Levels Escalators (0.5 Km / 6 min walk) Hong Kong Park (0.6 Km / 8 min walk)
А cаrеful аtтiтudе то оne's hеalтh is а sіgn of a рerson's civіlizатiоn. Ofтen, hardly nоtісeablе iмрairмеnтs іn aррearanсe and well-beіng саn signаl a sеriоus dіagnosis. Mаny pеорle havе rеpeаtedly nоtіcеd a tuмоr under тheіr аrмpits. If тhis eduсатiоn іs not acсоmpаnіed by pаin, weаknеss оr tемpеraturе, peoрle dо nот rush тo gеt mеdісаl hеlp. It іs iмpоrтanт то undеrsтand why тhе аpреаrаnсe оf aхіllary соnеs іs аssоcіatеd. <a href=></a>
Great location. Very near to Gare Du L'eat transportation centre. The advice is to get lower floor; NO LIFT! Carrying luggage up and down a narrow spiral staircase is very challenging
Review score